
Klimademo Vis-à-Vis


Forschungsprojekt Überkategorie

  • Materialnomaden


    In Kooperation mit den Materialnomaden gestalten wir die Grätzlküche. Der erste gemeinsame Workshop definierte die Grundlagen und brachte uns die Möglichkeiten und Schwierigkeiten beim Einsatz von Re-Use-Materialien näher.

  • Lernen vom Haus des Lernens

    Lernen vom Haus des Lernens

    Das Haus des Lernens ist ein österreichisches Vorzeigeprojekt, was das Bauen mit nachwachsenden Materialien betrifft.

  • Applying biobased materials

    Applying biobased materials

    Excursion to the House of Learning to study the application of biobased materials. Walls are made of wood frames filled with straw and plastered with mud. Even the elevator shaft is made of wood.

  • Climate neutrality – even before you move in

    Climate neutrality – even before you move in

    Taking early measures during the planning and construction phases and smart materials could ensure climate neutrality even before you move in.

  • Klimaneutrales Bauen verstehen lernen

    Klimaneutrales Bauen verstehen lernen

    Bei einem Besuch bei Transsolar lernen wir über das Klimabilanzieren. Der ökologische Fußabdruck eines Gebäude wird gesamtheitlich betrachtet.

  • Numbers and their meaning

    Numbers and their meaning

    What is a tonne of CO₂? Is it much, little, big, small? The experts of IBO, the Austrian Institute for Building and Ecology help to figure things out. As a team we try to get a grip on how climate neutral our building is.

  • A German example of an innovative energy supply concept

    A German example of an innovative energy supply concept

    A visit to learn from an almost climate neutral multi-use city district near Stuttgart.

  • Keeping grip on the process as a team

    Keeping grip on the process as a team

    While visiting a project in Germany we learn how important it is to keep grip on the process as a whole team.

  • Different numbers – different perspectives

    Different numbers – different perspectives

    In order to learn from existing best practices we went to Germany to see how things are done there. But there is a difference in the numbers Germans and Austrians use.

  • Comparing alternatives to see what works best

    Comparing alternatives to see what works best

    In this research project RWT plus brings in their knowledge on building physics. Four construction alternatives will be assessed on their performance with regard to climate neutrality.